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Holidays for Lea

I'm heading off to Melbourne for a quick Chrissie get away, staying with my wonderful family. I love Melbourne!!!

Plus I'm also hoping to steal a week or so at some exotic location. No tan for me, but certainly a lot of waxin' and relaxin'! And sipping on a few ice cold margaritas. Yum!

Last show of the year!!!

I'm writing this before it happens, so I can only imagine what mayhem is going to take place on the final UTH for 2000.

It was hinted at the end of last week's show that there are going to be extra people on-air, bonus hosts and what promises to be an eyebrow raiser... Jelly Wrestling. Rumour has it Rob is keen to get into the action.

Next year I'm vying for a good old fashioned "male model oil up"!!!

Buzz goes to a good home

I'm adoring the updates of Buzz's adventures with Leanne and Andrew. Glad to see he is so loved and gets to go everywhere and do anything.... like driving a car!!! Some toys get all the luck!

click here

Extra Info on Lea

If you want to see pictures of me and funny facts and figures, like what are my favourite things are and where I went to school, etc... go to
You will also find a schedule of the other cable shows I do other than Under The Hammer. 
