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Wrestling websites to see.
XPW Extreme pro Wrestling, Ecw alternative with some Big names, "It's where Juvi is after his mis hap in brisbane".

 ECW Extreme championship wrestling.
From what I hear, Scott Hall is there.

IWA International wrestling Australia
All the Big Aussie stars go at it here, check and see what "Merc the jerk" is upto.

WCW World championship wrestling
My fave of the wrestling franchises, this site offers some great merchandise, MOZ DEF. 

Last show for 2000

Make sure you tune in this Saturday night, the last show is gonna be a lot of fun, for starters "Miss nude Australia " will be there in a Mud bath wrestling match. 
Word is, there are some guest Hosts who think they got what it takes. 


For all those guys and girls who have been trying to get me to authorize their icq requests, I have a new computer, and a new Number, and I won't be having a list like my last one.So only hot chicks and friends, no really, I better be selective.
