Name       Holly Ann Brisley
DOB        11/01/78 
Star Sign   Capricorn 

Fav Food 
I love it all! Seafood, fruit salad, and chocolate top the list. I have trouble eating out because I'm allergic to gluten. 

Fav Movie
There are way too many to choose! I try to get to a cinema at least once a week or fortnight. 

Fav Show
"Friends", it's the only show I'll stay home to watch. "Seinfeld" has always been a close second and I can't forget UTH or my shows on Music Country. 

Fav Video Game
Apart from good ols Solitaire (which I was totally addicted to) it would have to be Tekken 2 - I am the champion of my household! 

Fav Song 
I love ahuge variety of music! The mood I'm in determines what I feel like listening to. At the moment I quite like that song by Spiller, Kylie's "Spinning Around", Robbie's "Rock DJ" and heaps of others. 

Fav Bands
Killing Heidi, U2, Pink, Sherryl Crow, and artists... ohh, I don't know, everyone!! 

Perfect Guy
Interesting, intelligent, independant and above all someone I get along with really well with. (A nice smile and a sense of humour doesn't go astray either)


Holly Brisley
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